Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Humans are like coral, “an assemblage of life-forms living together.”

In NYT or here, you can read Kolata's article.

Humans are like coral?

Friedman tells us today that the US could be an Island of Stability.

Metaphors galore!

There is one element I can add to make another metaphor.

 Rules are essential to make Inclusive Institutions. Extractive Institutions like the ones in the countries outside of the Island, or Oasis, of Stability, which we, in the US are fortunate to inhabit, make all the difference.

Nations Fail with Extractive Institutions.

If you have been reading my blog, you may know that I did not invent this explanation; it was the Turkish-American scientist, Daron Acemoglu, who invented the concept. Or are we going to say, he is not American, because he was born in Turkey?

In my mind Furkan Dogan , born in the US, and educated in Turkey, is as American as Daron Acemoglu.

Let's make the island grow, by promoting OUR Inclusive Institutions, to make a Huge Human Coral all around the world.

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