Thursday, June 14, 2012

Martial Law in Egypt


This reminds me of La Decena Tragica, Ten Tragic Days. Francisco I. Madero had won the war against Porfirio Diaz, who fled to Paris, where he died. Nevertheless Madero kept the porfirista army in place, and the traitor Victoriano Huerta, staged a coup which ended up with both Madero, and his Vice President Pino Suarez dead.

My uncles from Huitzuco kept fighting until Huerta was defeated. Their names were:

  1. Mardonio Valencia Castro
  2. Rosendo Castro Uriza
  3. Fidel Castro Uriza
  4. Abraham Castro Uriza
I hope there are courageous Egyptians, like my uncles, who confront Hosni Mubarak's dogs.

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