Thursday, March 07, 2013

Chapter 7 Reading Notes: Olivia Ward

Earth and the Terrestrial Worlds

7.1 Earth as a Planet

Why is Earth geologically active?
  • Earth is geologically active: its surface is continually being reshaped by volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, erosion
  • Most geological activity is from deep within the planet
  • Interior Structure (layered interiors):
    • Core: The highest-density material, consisting primarily of metals such as nickel and iron
    • Mantle: Rocky material of moderate density- mostly minerals that contain silicon, oxygen, and other elements
    • Crust: The lowest-density rock, such as granite and basalt
  • Earth's metallic core consists of two regions: a solid inner core and a molten outer core.
  • Earth's outer layer consists of relatively cool and rigid rock called the lithosphere (crust and part of the upper mantle) that "floats" on warmer, softer rock beneath.
  • Differentiation and Internal Heat
    • Differentiation: Denser materials pulled to the bottom, less dense materials driven to the top
      • Layered interiors of terrestrial planets show that they underwent differentiation.
    • Terrestrial worlds were hot inside for two major reasons:
      • They gained heat from the process of formation.
      • Planetesimals collided at high speed with forming planets, depositing large amounts of energy that turned into heat.
      •  The metal and rock that make up terrestrial planets include small amounts of radioactive elements. As radioactive material decays, it releases heat.
    • None of the terrestrial worlds are still hot enough to have liquid interiors, but they differ in the heat they have retained.
      • Size is the most important factor is planetary cooling. A large planet says hotter inside longer than a small one.
      •  A thick lithosphere inhibits volcanic and tectonic activity.
      •  Earth (largest of terrestrial planets) remains hot and has a thin lithosphere. Venus is similar.
      •  Mercury and the Moon have thick lithospheres and no geological activity.
      •  Mars (intermediate in size), has cooled but probably retains some internal heat.
  • The Magnetic Field
    • Interior heat is responsible for Earth's magnetic field.
      • Internal heat causes the liquid metal to rise and fall (convection). Earth's rotation twists and distorts the convection pattern.
    • The magnetic field shields us by creating magnetosphere: a kind of protective bubble that surrounds our planet and deflects most of the charged particles from the Sun.
      • The few particles that make it through the magnetosphere collide with atoms and molecules at the poles, creating the aurora lights.
What processes shape Earth's surface?
  •  All surface features can be explained by four major geological processes.
    • Impact Cratering
      • The excavation of bowl-shaped impact craters by asteroids or comets crashing into a planet's surface (external cause).
      •  Impacting objects typically hit the surface at speeds between 40,000 and 250,000 kilometers per hour. The impact releases enough energy to vaporize solid rock and blast out a crater.
      • Craters are typically 10 times wider and 10-20% deeper than the object that created them.
      • Craters can be erased by time: The Earth has had at least the same amount of impacts as the Moon but geological activity like volcanic eruptions and erosion have erased them from the surface.
    • Volcanism
      • The eruption of molten rock (lava) from a planet's interior onto its surface.
      • Molten rock tends to rise for three main reasons:
        • Molten rock is generally less dense than solid rock. Lower-density materials tend to rise when surrounded by higher-density materials.
        • Most of Earth's interior is not molten. The solid rock surrounding the molten rock can squeeze it, driving it upward under pressure.
        • Molten rock often contains trapped gases that expand as it rises.
      •  Volcanism explains the existence of our atmosphere and oceans.
        • Water and ice were brought to Earth by planetesimals. Water and gases became trapped beneath the surface. Volcanic eruptions released some of the gas into the atmosphere (outgassing).
        • Outgassed water vapor rained won to form oceans.
    • Tectonics
      • The disruption of a planet's surface by internal stresses.
      • Tectonic activity is a direct or indirect result of mantle convection.
      • Earth: the underlying mantle convection fractured the planet's lithosphere into plates (plate tectonics).
      • Tectonic activity usually goes hand in hand with volcanism.
    • Erosion
      • The wearing down or building up of geological features by wind, water, ice, and other phenomena of planetary weather.
      • The shaping of valleys by glaciers, the carving of canyons by rivers, the shifting of sand dunes by wind
      • Over long periods of time, erosion has piled sediments into layers on ocean floors (sedimentary rock).
      • Erosion plays a more important role on Earth than any other terrestrial world because of strong winds (rapid rotation) and water (outgassing by volcanism)
How does Earth's atmosphere affect the planet?

  • Surface Protection
    • The atmosphere protects us from the Sun's ultraviolet and X-ray radiation.
      • X-ray photons ionize the atoms or molecules they strike which can damage living tissue. X rays are absorbed high in the atmosphere, leaving none to reach the ground.
      • Ozone protects us from ultraviolet light. It is primarily in a middle layer of Earth's atmosphere (stratosphere). It absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation.
    • The Sun emits most of its radiation in the form of visible light which easily passes through the atmosphere and reaches the surface.
      • This allows us to see (visible light) and provides energy for photosynthesis.
      • Visible light heats the ground (primary source of heat for Earth's surface).
    • Few visible light photons are randomly scattered around the sky. This is why the sky is bright and we cannot see stars during the day.
  • The Greenhouse Effect
    • Our atmosphere traps additional heat through the greenhouse effect.
    • The greenhouse effect occurs when the atmosphere temporarily traps some of the infrared light that the ground emits, slowing its return to space.
    • The greenhouse effect only occurs when the atmosphere contains gases that can absorb infrared light (greenhouse gases).

7.2 The Moon and Mercury: Geologically Dead
Was there every geological activity on the Moon or Mercury?

  • Geological Features of the Moon
    • Some regions are heavily cratered while others are smoother and darker (lunar maria formed by floods of molten lava).
    • During bombardment, craters covered the Moon's entire surface. The largest impacts fractured the Moon's lithosphere but the Moon's interior had already cooled since its formation. Mantle material melted (3 to 4 billion years ago) and  lava flooded the craters due to heat released by the decay of radioactive elements.
    • Today, the Moon is desolate and nearly unchanging.
    • Ice deposits in craters near the Moon's north pole
  • Geological Features of Mercury
    • Impact craters are visible almost everywhere, indicating an ancient surface.
    • Mercury's craters are less crowded together than those of the Moon, suggesting that molten lava covered up some of the craters that formed on Mercury during heavy bombardment.
    • As much volcanism as the Moon, and its volcanoes may have died out a billion years later than the Moon's
    • Caloris basin (huge crater impact) spans more than half of Mercury's radius.
      • It has few craters within it. It must have formed at a time when the heavy bombardment was already subsiding.
    • Many tremendous cliffs (vertical faces of up to 3+ km high and hundreds of km across)- evidence of past tectonics.
    • The Moon was once larger and contained more iron

7.3 Mars: A Victim of Planetary Freeze-Drying
What geological features tell us that water once flowed on Mars?
  • No liquid water exists on the surface of Mars today.
    • Mars is so cold that any liquid water would immediately freeze.
    • Even when it does rise about freezing temperature, the air pressure is so low that liquid water would quickly evaporate.
    • Mars must have had some warm and wet periods in the distant past.
  • The Geology of Mars
    • Dramatic difference in terrain
      • Much of the southern hemisphere has high elevation and many large craters. The northern plains have few impacts and tend to be below average surface level.
      • The southern hemisphere is much older than the northern plains.
    • Towering volcanoes
      • Olympus Mons is the tallest known volcano in the solar system.
      • Olympus Mons and several other large volcanoes are concentrated near Tharsis Bulge.
    • Tectonic features
      • The most prominent tectonic feature is a deep system of valleys called Valles Marineris.
  • Ancient Water Flows
    • Impacts, volcanism, and tectonics explain most of the major geological features of Mars. Water erosion did cause some features.
    • Channels caused by water erosion were formed long ago (channels are 2-3 billion years old). There are even impact craters that lie on top of the channels.
    • Mars had rain and surface water
  • Martian Water Today
    • Significant amounts of water still remain frozen at the polar caps and in the top meter of the surface soil.
    • Water ice probably lies deeper underground.
Why did Mars change?
  • Before 3 billion years ago: Mars had wetter and possibly warmer periods with rainfall.
  • Mars underwent major and permanent climate change. It was once able to sustain liquid water but is now a frozen wasteland.
  • Mars once had a denser atmosphere. It somehow lost most of its carbon dioxide gas. This weakened the greenhouse effect until it froze over.
  • Mars lost water vapor due to solar winds. The atmsphere also lacks ultraviolet-absorbing gases. Water molecules would have been easily broken apart by ultraviolet photons.
7.4 Venus: A Hothouse World
Is Venus geologically active?
  • Geological Feature of Venus
    • Features similar to Earth's: occasional impact craters, volcanoes, and a lithosphere that has been contorted by tectonic forces.
    • A large and circular coronae (made by hot, rising plumesof mantle rock)
    • Venus remains geologically active today, since it should still retain as much internal heat as Earth.
    • The surface is geologically young (few impact craters).
    • Lack of erosion (minor process) can be traced to two facts:
      • Venus is far too hot for any type of rain or snow on its surface.
      • Venus has virtually no wind or weather because of its slow rotation.
  • The Absence of Plate Tectonics
    • Venus shows no evidence of Earth-like plate tectonics.
    • The surface is about the same age everywhere (750 million years old).
    • Most scientists suspect that Venus's lithosphere resists fracturing into plates because it is thicker and stronger than Earth's lithosphere.
Why is Venus so hot?
  • Atmospheric Composition
    • Venus's atmosphere has huge amounts of carbon dioxide, but virtually no water (causing high temperature).
    • Ultraviolet light from the Sun breaks apart water molecules in Venus's atmosphere. The hydrogen atoms escape to space.
    • Venus's lack of magnetic field leaves its atmosphere vulnerable to solar winds.
  • The Runaway Greenhouse Effect
    • Venus is about 30% closer to the Sun than Earth.
    • Greater intensity of sunlight made it just warm enough that oceans either never formed or soon evaporated, leaving Venus with a tick atmosphere full of greenhouse gases.Why is Venus so hot?
7.5 Earth as a Living Planet
What unique features of Earth are important for life?
  •  Four unique features particularly important to life on Earth
    • Surface liquid water: Earth is the only planet on which temperature and pressure conditions allow surface water to be stable as a liquid.
    • Atmospheric oxygen: Earth is the only planet with significant oxygen in its atmosphere and an ozone layer.
    • Plate tectonics: Earth is the only planet with a surface shaped largely by this distinctive type of tectonics.
    • Climate stability: Earth differs from the other terrestrial worlds with significant atmospheres (Venus and Mars) in having a climate that has remained relatively stable throughout its history.
  • Our Unique Oceans and Atmosphere
    • Abundant liquid water and atmospheric oxygen
    • Oxygen makes up 21% of Earth's atmosphere.
  • Plate Tectonics
    • Plate tectonics and climate stability
    • Plates move at speeds of only a few cm per year: creating new crust and recycling old crust back into the mantle.
    • Subduction occurs where seafloor plates run into continental plates.
  • Climate Stability
    • Earth's climate is not perfectly stable (ice ages and warm periods). Regardless, temperatures have been at where some liquid water could exist.
How is human activity changing our planet?
  •  The global average temperature has risen in the past hundred years.
  • A rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration (result of fossil fuel burning and other human activity)
    • The concentration is higher than at any time in the past million years.
  • Global warming
What makes a planet habitable?
  • Earth is habitable due to its large size and distance from the Sun.
  • Internal heat is kept due to the size
  • Plate tectonics helps to regulate our climate through the carbon dioxide cycle.

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