Saturday, June 23, 2012

Doctor Zhivago, Ciudad Juárez, and 2666 (AMLOVE)

I just watched again  this extraordinary film, Doctor Zhivago. I also read about the "passion" crimes going on in Ciudad Juárez. A few years back, I read the best novel I've ever read: 2666.

There is love, and there is passion in all this.

Nevertheless what I want to write in this note, is how the Institutions, or lack of them, make us human, or another mammal of the primate branch of the animal kingdom.

On the article in the NYT we can read:

"He opened a file on his computer showing one of the 18 women killed in April. Photographs showed that she had been dumped in a public street, and found around 8 a.m. “She was stabbed 63 times,” Mr. Hawley said. Her pink shirt, featuring an image of a heart, was stained with blood. Based on the number of stab wounds, he said, “The killer had to be on drugs.”"

Cruelty like the one depicted, also happens among lions, rats, or any other hungry mammal. The obvious difference is, that the killer in this instance, did not eat his pray, and did not use his canine teeth to kill the woman "he loved". All he did, was to stop another male, from impregnating her.

The police of Juárez has not punished this man.

There are no Institutions in that God forsaken place. The reason we do not find, over one hundred dead young women in West Chicago, is because we have Law and Order here. We are the same Mexicans, with the same Catholic Religion, and the same Spanish Language. We just have United States of America Law Enforcement here.

In the novel 2666, you can read how Roberto Bolaño describes, the imaginary town of Santa Teresa. The juniors of the town, have a sport. They wait for the young and poor women, working in the maquiladoras there, they rape them, they kill them, and nobody even scolds them!

After twelve years of governments led by PAN, finally they know, where in the outskirts of Juárez, are the bodies of the girls killed over many, many years.

In Doctor Zhivago we find out the feelings of the Russian Poet, Boris Pasternak. He stayed in Russia during the worst years of Stalinism, and Russians loved him for his poetry. He spoke of LOVE, a forbidden word in that God forsaken country.

Roberto Bolaño and Boris Pasternak, tell us how LOVE will save us.

My candidate for President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has told us that AMLOVE, will save us. 

I believe him.

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