Friday, June 29, 2012

John Reed (journalist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Reed (journalist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

""The real War, of which this sudden outburst of death and destruction is only an incident, began long ago. It has been raging for tens of years, but its battles have been so little advertised that they have been hardly noted. It is a clash of Traders...

"What has democracy to do in alliance with Nicholas, the Tsar? Is it Liberalism which is marching from the Petersburg of Father Gapon, from the Odessa of the pogroms?...

"No. There is a falling out among commercial rivals....

"We, who are Socialists, must hope — we may even expect — that out of this horror of bloodshed and dire destruction will come far-reaching social changes — and a long step forward towards our goal of Peace among Men.

"But we must not be duped by this editorial buncombe about Liberalism going forth to Holy War against Tyranny.

"This is not Our War."[21]"

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