Friday, June 29, 2012

Why Was CNN Wrong?

I do not follow Fox or CNN; this morning I found out through Democracy Now!, that CNN GOT IT WRONG!

Of course I'm talking about the Supreme Court decision to uphold the constitutionality of the Law Submitted by the only Constitutional Law Professor, the US has ever had as President.

How could things  get this wrong?

Does  CNN have enough money to get a Constitutional Law Professor from Harvard? Are the salaries of these professors too high? Are the profits of CNN too low? Do they need more commercials to pay for truthful reporting?

I do not follow the money making enterprise known as the Mainstream Media of the United States of America.


A related question is: Why Amy Goodman, and Juan Gonzales got it right?

They are supported by listeners' contributions only, for goodness sake!

I can see material in these questions for a few Master and PhD theses on Public Communications.

BTW: Professor Krugman also got it right.

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