Saturday, June 30, 2012



The Mathematician John L. Casti just wrote a book on  Black Swans. The author Nassim Nicholas Taleb, wrote an important book, "The Black Swan", about very unlikely events, which could be very important once they occur. Now Casti, expands on the idea. I do not want catastrophes to occur, nobody wants them, but you know what? Shit Happens!

I have studied complexity theory, as a Theoretical Physicist, I have the training to know when the mathematics are sound. What surprises me is that most professionals are so ignorant about such life threatening events, or X-Events, for eXtreme Events, as named in this book linked above through

In 2008 the world financial system almost took the whole economy down with it, it was only because of President Obama's Team of clear thinkers, that this catastrophe was avoided. But will we be as lucky next time around? That depends on becoming knowledgeable about Complexity Theory, and its implications.

You would think that I would be a very valuable commodity under the circumstances; right? I have news for you, I am unemployed.

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