Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mexican Presidential Election

Today, in a few hours Mexicans will be voting to elect a president for the next six years, there is no reelection, whoever wins, gets to stay six years as president. I have a candidate, but I am confused about what will happen to Mexico.

A group of clandestine armed groups, announced that the two parties that have governed the country for over seventy years, PRI and PAN, already agreed to share power this time, with Enrique Peña Nieto, running in the PRI ticket. The NYT already published that this man is the likely winner. Nevertheless all the people I know will be voting for the candidate nobody wants to talk about much in the Mainstream Media: Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

What gives?

I was born in Mexico City, I believe the opposition will win there, with the candidate I like: AMLO for short. Nevertheless the rest of the country seems to be leaning towards the more conservative Mr. Peña Nieto.

It saddens me, that if this comes to pass, the country will not undertake the steps necessary to stop being a FAILED NATION.

Oh, well.

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