Saturday, March 09, 2013

[1211.3410] Cosmology of a Friedmann-Lama\^itre-Robertson-Walker 3-brane, Late-Time Cosmic Acceleration, and the Cosmic Coincidence

[1211.3410] Cosmology of a Friedmann-Lama\^itre-Robertson-Walker 3-brane, Late-Time Cosmic Acceleration, and the Cosmic Coincidence:

A late epoch cosmic acceleration may be naturally entangled with cosmic coincidence -- the observation that at the onset of acceleration the vacuum energy density fraction nearly coincides with the matter density fraction. In this Letter we show that this is indeed the case with the cosmology of a Friedmann-Lama\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) 3-brane in a five-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime. We derive the four-dimensional effective action on a FLRW 3-brane, which helps define a general reduction formula, namely, $M_P^{2}=\rho_{b}/|\Lambda_5|$, where $M_{P}$ is the effective Planck mass, $\Lambda_5$ is the 5-dimensional cosmological constant, and $\rho_b$ is the sum of the 3-brane tension $V$ and the matter density $\rho$. The behavior of the background solution is consistent with the results based on the form of the 4D effective potential. Although the range of variation in $\rho_{b}$ is strongly constrained, the big bang nucleosynthesis bound on the time variation of the renormalized Newton constant $G_N = (8\pi M_P^2)^{-1}$ is satisfied when the ratio $V/\rho \gtrsim {O} (10^2)$ on cosmological scales. The same bound leads to an effective equation of state close to -1 at late epochs in accordance with current astrophysical and cosmological observations.

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