Thursday, March 14, 2013

Amber Reed Quiz


What are jovian planets made of?
Hydrogen compounds are more abundant than rock/metal on Jovian planets
got bigger and acquired H/He. Jovian planets differ in amount of H/He.

What are jovian planets like on the inside?
There is no solid surface. The layers are under high pressure and temperature.The cores made of Hydrogen compounds,metals and rock.

What is the weather like on jovian planets?
They all have different cloud layers correspond to freezing points of different hydrogen compounds.  Also,all Jovian Planets have strong winds and storms.

What kinds of moons orbit the jovian planets?
There is lo,europa,ganymede, and callisto. The small moons <300km and have no geological activity. The medium sized moons and have had geological activity in past.The large moons have on going geological activity. 

Why are Jupiter's Galilean moons geologically active?
-Lo is the most volcanically  active body in the solar system. The volcanic eruptions continue to change Lo's. Lo is squished and stretched as it orbits Jupiter, this is called tidal heating.

What geological activity do we see on Titan and other moons?
Titan, is e only moon in our solar system with a thick atmosphere.  This can be evidence of an active surface geology, also the erosion caused by methane rain. Saturn and Uranus show signs of past geology.  Saturn's moon is active today, due to the fountains of ice and water vapor that shoot out from its surface. Neptune's large moon is almost Chetniks a capture object and show signs of recent geological activity.  

Why are jovian moons more geologically active than small rocky planets?
Ices deform and me,t at much lower temperatures than rock, allowing icy volcanism and tectonics at surprisingly low temperatures. Some Jovian moons have a heat source, tidal heating.  

What are Saturn's rings like?
Sauternes rings are made up of countless individual particles, each orbiting Saturn independently like a tiny moon. The rings login Saturn's equatorial plane, and they are extremely thin. 

Why do the jovian planets have rings?
Ring particles probably come form the dismantling of small moons formed in the disks of gas that surrounded e Jovian planets billions of years ago. Small ring particles come from countless tiny impacts i e surfaces of these moons, while larger ones come from impacts that shatter the moons. 

Who predicted volcanoes on Io?

Stanton Peale predicted volcanoes on lo, because  Voyager 1 captured geyser like eruptions spewing material hundreds of kilometers above Io's surface.

Amber Reed

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