Thursday, March 14, 2013

Chapter 8 Quiz Jessica Brandon


1.    What are jovian planets made of?
Jupiter and Saturn are mostly made of H and He gas. Uranus and  Neptune are mostly made of H compounds.
2.    What are jovian planets like on the inside?
They have layered interiors with very high pressure and cores made of rock, metals, and hydrogen compounds. Very high pressure in Jupiter and Saturn can produce metallic hydrogen.
3.    What is the weather like on jovian planets?
Multiple cloud layers determine the colors of jovian planets. All have strong storms and winds.
4.    What kinds of moons orbit the jovian planets?
Moons of many sizes. Level of geological activity depends on size.
5.    Why are Jupiter's Galilean moons geologically active?
Tidal heating drives activity, leading to Io’s volcanoes and ice geology on other moons.
6.    What geological activity do we see on Titan and other moons?
Titan is the only moon with a thick atmosphere.
Many other icy moons show signs of geological activity.
7.    Why are jovian moons more geologically active than small rocky planets?
Ice melts and deforms at lower temperatures, enabling tidal heating to drive activity.
8.    What are Saturn's rings like?
     They are made up of countless individual ice particles. They are extremely thin with many gaps.
9.    Why do the jovian planets have rings?
Ring systems of other jovian planets are much fainter with smaller, darker, less numerous particles.
Ring particles are probably debris from moons.
10. Who predicted volcanoes on Io?
Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system. Tidal heating io is squished and stretching as it orbits Jupiter.

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