Thursday, March 28, 2013

Michael Redmond Quiz

  1. Why is there an asteroid belt? -Rocky planetismals survived in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter because they did not accrete into a planet.
  2. How are meteorites related to asteroids? they are asteroids that fall through earth's atmosphere.
  3. How do comets get their tails? ice on it evaporated from the sun.
  4. Where do comets come from? outside the frost line in the Oort Cloud or Kuiper Belt.
  5. How big can a comet be? Eris was discovered to be slightly bigger than pluto.
  6. What are Pluto and other large objects of the Kuiper belt like? they orbit in the same direction as planets and are icy.
  7. Have we ever witnessed a major impact? yes on jupiter Comet SL9.
  8. Did an impact kill the dinosaurs? Yes. 
  9. Is the impact threat a real danger or just media hype? It is a real danger that can happen every 100 million years or so.
  10. How do other planets affect impact rates and life on Earth? the gravity of jovian planets could redirect a comet.

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