Thursday, March 14, 2013

Allison Thompson chapter 8 Quiz

  1. What are jovian planets made of?
- Mostly H and He, or hydrogen compounds; water, methane, ammonia

What are jovian planets like on the inside?
-  No solid surface
Layers under high pressure and high temperature
Cores made of hydrogen compounds, metals, rocks
Layers are different for different planets.

What is the weather like on jovian planets?
- hydrogen compounds in Jupiter form clouds
Different layers correspond to freezing points of different hydrogen compounds.
other Jovian planets have similar cloud layers.
Ammonium sulfide clouds reflect brown/red
All Jovian planets have strong winds.

What kinds of moons orbit the jovian planets?
-Small, Medium, and large moons

Why are Jupiter's Galilean moons geologically active?
 -Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system.
-Volcanic eruptions
-Tidal heating
Io squished as it orbits Jupiter
-Every seven days these three  moons line up
- tugs add up over time making

What geological activity do we see on Titan and other moons?
 Titan is the only moon in the solar system that has a thick atmosphere

Why are jovian moons more geologically active than small rocky planets?
 rocks melt at higher temperature vs. ice melts are lower temps
only large rocky planets have enough heat for activity vs. tidal heating can melt internal ice driving activity.

What are Saturn's rings like?
 Numerous tiny particles
-Orbit over Saturn’s equation
-Very thin
-Gap moons
small moons create gaps within rings

Why do the jovian planets have rings?
 form from dust crated in Impacts on moons orbiting those planets
-rings aren't left over from planet formation to small to survive this long
-continuous replacement if particles
-Jovian planets all have rings because They posses many small moons close in
-impacts on these moons are random

Who predicted volcanoes on Io?

1 comment:

Eduardo Cantoral said...

From Wikipedia:

"This conclusion was predicted in a paper published shortly before the Voyager 1 encounter by Stan J. Peale, Patrick Cassen, and R. T. Reynolds"

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