Tuesday, December 19, 2006

One of the Ten Important Discoveries in Archaeology

5.) Aztec Altar and Monolith Found in Mexico
In early October, archaeologists recovered an Aztec altar depicting the image of their rain god, and an 11-foot monolith, while digging in the heart of Mexico City. Spanish conquistadors destroyed the Aztec's capitol and built Mexico City on it's foundation. In the center of the city stands one of the few remaining temples of the Aztec nation, the Templo Mayor.

According to Christine Senter from the Associated Content Internet Site, this year's discovery of an Aztec Altar in Mexico City, is one of this year's Ten Important Discoveries in Archaeology.

The Spaniards did their best to hide the glory of old Mexicans, but they are coming back. Mexicans are claiming their Indian Origin.


sapheyerblu said...

It's amazing what you find on the Internet.

I've always believed that the Spainards ruined an incredibly remarkable civilization.

Thanks for putting this up.

Christine Senter

Eduardo Cantoral said...

Ms. Senter,
I just saw your comment. Recently, as you may know, they found out that the site in question may very likely be Ahuizotl's tomb.
About the ruin of the Aztec Empire caused by the Spaniards, we haven't heard the last word yet.

Eduardo Cantoral

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