Wednesday, December 27, 2006

State of the World

I have been living in the suburbs of Chicago for over ten years. I do not know if it has always been this warm around here. I think I have been through some record hot days during this time. The question is, is it going to get cooler?

It seems that the answer is no. In average it is likely that the temperature would be hotter. I am assuming that Senator John McCain has not lost his mind and that we should worry about global warming. If this is so, what is my best course of action?

I am originally from Mexico City, I think that part of the world is going to bet hotter in the coming decades and malaria may appear there. At this point it seems that my best course of action is to stick around, until I see more clearly in which direction the temperature is moving.

My conclusion is then, that the World is getting hot.

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