Friday, August 31, 2007

Anthropic Principle Postdiction

Recently I made a useless prediction with the Anthropic Principle, you can read it here.

Here I have a better use for the principle, I use it to postdict (i.e. I say what already happened) my present position.

I am in Illinois, prior to this I was in Mexico, Cambridge in Massachusetts, Mexico, California, and Mexico. In that order. Starting from Mexico in 1973. Since I finished my graduate studies for a Master's Degree, I went to Santa Barbara, California. Since I finished my research I got a Ph.D. degree in 1981. Since I was teaching physics in Mexico I went back. I was accepted at MIT, and spent one year there doing research. In 1983 I went back to Mexico, until 1994 that I came to Illinois for one year. Until 1998 I went back and forth between Mexico and Illinois, because my University paid my visits. In 1998 I got a job at Lucent Technologies, in Naperville, until 2001 that my services were not required. Since then I have had some odd jobs in Illinois.

All those events are accidental. My life could have been different, but since I am in Illinois now, by the weak anthropic principle, I have postdicted all the random walk.

Either I think it is a miracle that I am here, or the whole exercise is useless. I guess the second is true.

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