Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rapture on May 21?

I am not a Christian, but this is getting weirder, and weirder.

I am due in Mexico next Monday, May 5 is just around the corner, Cinco de Mayo. That day Mexico defeated France and became a country, sort of. Javier Sicilia, a Christian Mexican poet is calling for a three day march from Cuernavaca, where his son was killed by drug dealers, to Mexico City, to ask the Christian President Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa to stop this madness, this war on a noun, War on Drugs.

This war is paid with American tax dollars, and it has failed miserably.

I cannot help feeling that this is big. After Tunisia, Egypt, ..., is Mexico going to apocalyptic times?


Birthers have to find another entertainment now that Obama came clean. Maybe Americans can turn on their TVs for the Cinco de Mayo celebrations from Cuernavaca.

The end of the World as we know it.

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