Friday, April 29, 2011

Space (A Note for Robert Fisk)

Robert Fisk loves words. His articles, and books are clear and truthful. I just found out that one of his pet peeves is the wrong use of words. Here is his piece on Space, a linguistic crime, he calls it.

I am a physicist and resent that not a single time he puts the blame where it belongs; Albert Einstein. His professor Herman Minkowski coined the term spacetime. 

He prefers, room, or any such. One use he approves of, is in the Comic, Dan Dare, as it appears in Eagle, science fiction; that is.

Here is my 5 cent:

With Information Theory, a la Claude Shannon, we have entered a new Era. I feel that Information gives a deeper meaning to the SpaceTime of Einstein-Minkowski.

If Robert Fisk happens to come around here; all I can tell him is that I am working on it.

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