Saturday, April 23, 2011


If you have read this blog before, you may know that I am proud of my ancestors, the Castros from Huitzuco, not the ones from Havana, I may be related to the latter, but I am definitely related to the former.

Mardonio, Rosendo, Fidel, and Abraham Castro, were my granma's brothers.

The only one I met was Abraham, Mayor of Iguala, where now I teach.

We the descendants are not poor, but nothing close to the Gaddafis of Lybia!

What happened to revolution?

It seems very corrupt in the Middle East. I am still hopeful that the revolution in Havana turns out well, but you know? I am not sure. The Castros of Cuba seem to be getting ready to bring back the US mafia through their ''tourist'' industry. From Batista to Fidel. What a farce!

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