Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chelsea Esposito Quiz

Chelsea Esposito


Astronomy 101

30 January, 2013

Quiz 1

1. This question is pretty broad. If we are being technical, our place is on
Earth, in the Milky Way galaxy. Earth is the third planet from the sun, being
hospitable to life. In the grand scheme of things, we are a tiny planet in an
unfathomably large universe.

2. We came to be because of what many people believed is the big bang. The
start of the planets and the creation of asteroids and large gaseous planets.

3. By the planets expanding, and becoming farther and farther away we can see
that everything used to be closer and they are continuing to expand and an
ever increasing rate.

4. No, we cannot. We cannot see the light from that far because the Earth
has not existed for longer than 4.5 billion years. There may be more of the
universe farther than what we can see.

5. The Earth is one planet. It is one planet out of thousands just that we know
of. We are part of one universe out of countless universes in a giant galaxy.

6. Our closest star in 93 million miles away.

7. Big. It is about 100, 000 light years in diameter, or 9.5x10^17 km.

8. It is ever expanding. It continues to expand every millisecond.

9. On a cosmic calendar that compresses the history of the Universe into one
year, human civilization is just a few seconds old, and a human lifetime is a
fraction of a second.

10. The Earth orbits the sun once every year at approximately 1 AU. It rotates the
same direction as it orbits, counter clockwise as viewed from the North Pole.
We are constantly moving, and never sitting still.

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