Thursday, May 31, 2012

Are We Entering the Real American Century?

Maybe Americans are going to like this and Mexicans are not. Unfortunately I am getting more and more convinced that the US is acting well and Mexico is not. Below you can see Hillary Rodham Clinton speaking in Europe.

Also you can watch the video below of Nobel Laureate, Paul Krugman, giving a bashing to English opponents in their own territory.

Europe is in disarray, and the money is coming back to the US. China has slowed down, it seems their way of doing business was not right. Without free people, there is no progress.

I am sitting quite comfortably in Illinois, USA; while my country of Mexico is in the midst, of what I consider a low intensity civil war. From where I stand, I'll put my money in the US economy.

Good job Hillary, and Paul: Members of  Team America!

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