Monday, May 28, 2012

Millennial Prophets

Our Western Culture holds that the World Ends every thousand years. In the year 1000, there were prophets telling people: "The End is Near". During these cultural upheavals prophets went from town to town, trying to warn people.

Poets are Prophets.

2012 has been chosen by some of these millenialists as an "End of Times."

I think of two poets, that make me wonder if they are prophets or not, i.e., if the world will end December 21, 2012.

Javier Sicilia, and Günter Grass.

Sicilia fearlessly confronted four powerful individuals today, who want to be President of Mexico. On Saturday Günter Grass, warned Europe with a powerful poem, Europe's Shame.

Could This Really Be The End?

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