Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Scientists

Los Científicos, or The Scientists, were a group of Mexican Economists, who helped the late dictator Porfirio Díaz, to produce a wealthy plutocracy, which was a cause of the Mexican Revolution, that started in 1910. Now Charles H. Ferguson wrote a book, Predator Nation,  showing a similar process in the US. Ferguson was today in Democracy Now!

Mexican revolutionaries stayed away from Science, since the Revolution ended in 1920.

One member of this American Scientists group,  Lawrence Summers, who has personally benefited by the largess of this plutocracy, reminds me of José Tves Limantour.  

What a waste of talent!

I like Paul Krugman better. I hope Summers never gets the Nobel Prize, that his uncle Paul Samuelson received in 1970.

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