Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yo Soy 132 and the Mexican Spring | Political News and Opinion from a Multicultural Point of View

Yo Soy 132 and the Mexican Spring | Political News and Opinion from a Multicultural Point of View:

 "On October 2, 1968, approximately 10,000 students – including my parents – from Mexican high schools and universities gathered for a peaceful rally at the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Tlatelolco, a public square in one of Mexico City’s boroughs. The Mexican Institutional Revolutionary Party (Partido Revolucionario Institucional, a.k.a., the PRI) ordered over 5,000 soldiers and 200 tanks to surround the square. Thousands of demonstrators never made it home. It is still not known how many died that night. The PRI hid what occurred after the first shot was fired in the plaza for decades."

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