Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Scaring the Children?

Maureen Dowd (below) writes about Cosmophobia. I am guilty in this blog, purportedly for high school children, of scaring them to make Science Relevant.

When the great Astronomer Alexei V. Filippenko visited us in Chilpancingo and Acapulco, in 2009, a young man asked him if the world was going to end. I was the translator, and repeated Alex's message. Do not worry, everything is going to be O.K..

Alejandro Jodorowsky made a movie, Santa Sangre; we took, my then little daughter, to see it. To this day she claims the movie scares her.

What is the right dose of concern, and worry?

The Goldilocks Principle, should be useful here. It is O.K. to be a little scared, but please kids, enjoy your life!

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