Monday, May 28, 2012

Students in 1968 and 2012

What are forty four years in the life of society?

Do I understand students today?

They use twitter and facebook to organize their demonstrations. We used mimeographs.

They played video games, we watched TV.

They coordinate globally, we locally.

Some of my students in Chilpancingo are going to  march Wednesday to demand a non-biased view from the media. We just expressed our outrage at the extremely biased nature of the opinion makers in a monopolistic society. Televisa had to back down; they are going to do, what they are supposed to do by LAW. Presidential Election Debates have to be televised. Without the students forcing them to do it, they would've declared today, that Enrique Pena Nieto was the president of Mexico. He paid them - you know - and they side with whoever pays more, not with the citizens of Mexico who have the legal right to elect the next president.

We've Come a Long Way Baby!

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