Monday, April 24, 2006

Memeland in Wikipedia

Now memeland exists in Wikipedia:

This item was deleted from Wikipedia, and I wrote it back. The staying power of the meme, memeland is already being tested. I expect it to be deleted again. I have to learn how to convince the authorities in Wikipedia that the idea has merit.

It was deleted again. Now there is a record, and my name is there. I guess I can keep developing the idea.

This is the place with more authority  in the Internet about Memeland.

There is a blog with that  name already:


But the creator has not done anything with it yet.

Prof. Susan Blackmore, has contributed to the meme concept invented by Prof. Richard Dawkins.

Memeland is a meme.

Almost any juxtaposition of words is a construct with possible uses. Memespace does exist already. My first task is to differentiate memland from memespace.

Land and Space can be used as synonyms. Land though has more of a human touch. England as opposed to Engspace. Disneyland as opposed to Disneyspace. Cyberland as opposed to Cyberspace.

Which side of the similar word one falls depends on human presence, it seems to me.

Therefore Memeland, will be the place for memes, where they live like organic beings.

Fairyland is a Memeland.



You are a phyical scientist,
and I am an old man seeking
my bachelor's degree in
Common Sense.

However, I find it nearly
impossible to discover a
formal school with that
subject in the Curiculum!

So, it's Home Study for me.

Peruse my blogsite.

Eduardo Cantoral said...

Snake Hunters:

I did peruse your blogsite. Memeland has not been posted in Wikipedia. They have Memespace. For now that is enough. Maybe when I know more about what they mean by Memespace I can just use that word or keep mine.

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