Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thousands Stream From New Orleans Ahead of Storm
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Obama Outwits the Bloviators
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World record ($100,000) prime number found?
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Champagne and Tears
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Friday, August 29, 2008
Mexico Court Is Set to Uphold Legalized Abortion in Capital
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Why commodity prices are not done rising yet
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
Street Corner Science with Leon Lederman - Pt. 2
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What am I doing?
I found this online:
"Why Major in Mathematics Education?
prospects are excellent for mathematics education degree students. A
critical shortage of math teachers exists throughout the nation,
creating increasing demand for bright new instructors. Graduates of the
mathematics education degree program also have the basic background to
pursue careers in the mathematics industry.
The mathematics
education degree program joins faculty from two top-notch programs.
College of Arts and Sciences mathematics faculty provide mathematics
instruction while College of Education faculty teaches education
classes. Mathematics education degree students also receive appropriate
field experiences teaching in selected west Michigan high schools.
Ferris State University mathematics education degree program requires
classes in general education, mathematics major and professional
education. A teaching minor is also required. You cannot have a
mathematics teaching minor with this teaching major. Mathematics
education degree students complete one semester of directed teaching at
the high school level. Upon completion of the Mathematics education
degree program requirements, Mathematics education degree students may
apply for Michigan Secondary Provisional Certification. Candidates are
required to pass state-mandated Subject Matter Exams in selected
teaching major and minors prior to certification recommendation."
Why is this so?
I won't try to explain it here; suffice it to say, that what we are doing is not the only way to do things.
I have to learn more education material.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
José Luis Morán López
Good luck José Luis.
Scientists rally to Mexican researchers' plea
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Double first for Large Hadron Collider
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New window on the gamma-ray Universe
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Mexican Opposition Parties Submit Pemex Legislation
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A Mexican Review of Oil Prices and US Supply & Demand
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Lasty 7 Years: China vs. United States -- Who is Better Off?
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Friday, August 22, 2008
Extend Firefox 3 Winners - Mozilla Labs
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Firefox to get massive JavaScript performance boost
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Intel gets into the wireless electricity game: Scientific Am
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Party Picks Bhutto Widower for Pakistan President
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Now That’s Rich
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Chavez bashes Mexico's Cemex after nationalization - Forbes.
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Oil price hike shuts down 100,000 Mexican firms
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Oil price surge helps Mexican peso; stocks sink
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
Gabino Barreda
He changed the curriculum at the "Escuela Nacional Preparatoria" (National High School, Mexico City), from scholastic to positivist. This French Philosophy,Positivism, was created by August Comte. In Mexico Barreda saw a way to make it Mexican. Eventually it was the ideological basis for the emergent Mexican Bourgeoisie.
Porfirio Díaz and a group of "Científicos" led Mexico during a few years of Order and Progress, until the Mexican Revolution changed that old regime.
Gabino Barreda is the ideological father of that Mexican historic period; and Leopoldo Zea became the "authority" and Mexican Positivism.
The Huitzuco Mercury Mine that I mentioned below, was the property of Porfirio Diaz's wife, Carmelita Romero Rubio de Díaz. These "Scientists" so enraged the people of Huitzuco, that on February 28, 1911, they fought against the Diaz Army in Huitzuco, and as they say, the rest is History.
News Good Enough to Bury
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Venezuela Concludes Price Negotiations for Cement Nationaliz
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Cubic Number Fields and Jacobi's Problem
Hermite-Jacobi Problem
This quote is from:
Assaf et al.
This problem is still with us.
Peter Jackson & Guillermo del Toro Writing Hobbit Themselves
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Bell Labs
You can read below what is happening to Physics at that institution.
Fewer April Showers for U.S. Southwest as Climate Changes: S
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Bell Labs bottoms out
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æ And Other Special Symbols from ScribeFire on Shiretoko
Mercury from Huitzuco, Mexico
Huitzuco 1942
You can see more beautiful girls at:
Huitzuco Queens and Princesses
What Did We Expect?
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
A Two-Dimensional Minkowski ?(x) Function
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Beaver and Garrity
A Two-Dimensional Minkowski ?(x) Function
They write:
"The goal of this section is to show that δ(x, y) maps a class of pairs of cubic irrationals to pairs of rationals. Unfortunately, we cannot make the claim that δ maps all pairs of cubics (even in the same number field) to pairs of rationals."
To this day, one cannot go both ways. Not all pairs of cubics go to pairs of rationals. Only a class of pairs of cubic irrationals goes to pairs of rationals.
These authors end their paper thus:
"Finally, the initial Hermite problem remains open."
Cubic Roots of Irrationals
He did not find regularities. To this day mathematicians are looking for any regularities in one cubic root, or sets of cubic roots of natural numbers.
This generalization from power two to power three, reminds one of other apparently simple generalizations that did not happen. Perhaps the most famous one concerns Diophantine Equations of natural numbers. For power two, we have an infinite set of triplets satisfying Pythagoras Theorem:
[2k(k+1) + 1]2 = [2k(k+1)]2 + [2k + 1]2
for any natural number k.
When Fermat looked into the generalization to power three, he claimed to have proved it was impossible for this case.
It was only many years later, in the early nineties of last century, that Andrew Wiles finally proved that statement to be true.
In Physics we have the exact solution for the two dimensional Ising Model, found in the middle of last century by Lars Onsager. To this day physicists are hard at work; with nothing to show.
"Jacobi's Last Theorem", as Professor Fritz Schweiger calls it, is patiently waiting for a modern day Wiles to conquer it.
Henry Cejudo
Here in Mexico we have thousands upon thousands of young people, as willing and able as this boy.
We have to give them opportunities.
To all Mexican children, they are the future.
American whiz kid Cejudo wins Olympic gold
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U.S. Wrestling Prodigy Wins Gold in His 2nd World Tournament
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The Struggle to Measure Cosmic Expansion
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A World of Difference
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Monday, August 18, 2008
Portal to Mythical Mayan Underworld Found in Mexico
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Dell introduces ten new laptops [with onboard Linux]
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China takes lead in Linux education
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Dell, Intel give users what they want: to turn Windows off
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Mission Accomplished: Phelps Great Eight in '08
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A Complete Guide to Setting Up Your Own Home Server
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"..might be the beginning of the end of the American empire"
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Musharraf Announces His Resignation
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Saturday, August 16, 2008
How About the Home Front?
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
Phelps Wins 200 Individual Medley for Sixth Gold
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"El Tri"-Triste Cancion De Amor
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Today 60 Years Ago
He was also a good man.
Relevant Science 2
It is a work in progress, and when I have something more presentable, I will post an announcement here.
Dark Matter and Fifth Forces
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Office OpenXML A Dead End, Microsoft Will Back ODF
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Spooky Physics: Signals Seem to Travel Faster Than Light
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Bohm's bummed: wave theory needs 10,000x light speed to work
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A Boy’s Killing Prods a City to Stand Up to Kidnappers
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Inflation Hits Annual Pace Not Seen Since 1991
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Inflation Hits Annual Pace Not Seen Since 1991
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Brazilian Stocks Rise, Led by Commodities
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LATIN AMERICAN MARKETS: Commodity Stocks Lift Brazil
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Mexico Will Propose $80 Oil for Budget, Carstens Says
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
19 Most Essential Open Source Applications
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My translation:
Finally, the source said, that in the state intelligence apparatus, the presence of the alleged lieutenant of the ex soldier Pascual Monte Solís, was completely unknown, it is believed though, that military intelligence "kept that information away from us", he stated.
Now we find out that there is a war going on in Guerrero State. Federal forces are involved, and they cannot apprehend one man after sending several soldiers to do it.
ERPI stands for Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo Insurgente (Insurgent People Revolutionary Army)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Energy: Fall in oil price comes with a warning
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Population Bomb Author's Fix For Next Extinction: Educate Wo
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Google Earth
This is great!
Right now I am at 38° and 1/3 ' North Latitude, and 121° 1/3 ' East Longitude over North America; on a road 20 m above sea level, watching the road from a height of 711 m, entering the State of Utah.
In a car it will take me over one day.
Gmail Problems ??? Solved.
One hundred million is the population of all of Mexico!
Google is a nation. GoogleNation?
Wireless to the People
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Google 'feels your pain' after the latest Gmail outage
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1948 Olympics
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Germany wins Eventing Team Jumping gold
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Equestrianism at the 1948 London Summer Games: Men's Jumping
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I feel well after visiting my relatives in Guerrero state. On the other hand my direct family, wife and kids, are in Warrenvile, you can read below that recently a storm caused havoc in the neighborhood.
I can help here, but I do not know if I'll make enough money to keep my family in the US.
Who is running Mexico?
In México City, run by the opposition, Democratic Revolution Party, also criminals recently kidnapped and killed a young man by the name of Martí.
I have written here before, that I believe part of the problem comes from the new rich, that is, young Mexican Indians, that have gone to the US, and come back with money, but no respect. If all Mexicans are not respected and taken care of, I can only expect more and more violence.
UNISUR is a ray of hope. Universities for Mexican Indians, enough is enough.
As you can read in this space, I recently went to Xalitla, for the land grant ceremony by an indian town, that wants a University. I repeat here, the Mexican Government of Felipe Calderòn is NOT helping. As long as this continues this way, I expect more Pascuales, like Pascual Monje Solís.
Teenage Girl, Man Die in Acapulco Shooting Attack
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Storm blows through area
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Pascual Monje Solìs
My translation is:
"The retierd Army General added early on, among policemen there was the rumor that Monje Solìs was able to escape because, dressed as a soldier was able to deceive the Army and the federal, state,and county police, because nobody knows his face."
This report was taken from Marlen Castro of the newspaper: "La Jornada Guerrero".
This incident happened in "Las Mesas", Ziràndaro County, Guerrero.
The escapee had been trained in the US when he was in the Mexican Army, and now he serves other powerful Mexicans, not the rest of us that pay taxes to keep the Army.
I feel I am going back, not only home, but to the wild era of our country. One wonders if there is progress.
"Bandidos" running the place.
Flush With Energy
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An Empty Promise
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Monday, August 11, 2008
Procure Treatment Centers Inc. sues NIU over plans to build
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Gmail Problems ???
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Amazon Honor System
There is a new Link to the Amazon Honor System, on the Link sidebar of this site.
Just in case you wanted to support Relevant Science.
Middle Sized Laptops and Cloud Computing
Cloud computing may close the loop for a completely new software-hardware combination. Imagine Linux in embedded hardware. Intelligence all over the place, embedding appliances.
These gizmos could be Telephone-PDA-Browser-Remotes, at least. A Swiss Army Knife with Open Source, and connected to the clouds.
Linux everywhere: mobile Internet devices and the cloud
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Forget the '$100 Laptop' ... Try $12!
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Intel and Microsoft tried to kill OLPC
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Search Wikipedia The Pro Way
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These are the locations of UNISUR (Universidad Intercultural de los Pueblos del Sur). Yesterday I went to the official ceremony for the land grant, by the Government of Xalitla. Something like six acres.
They fed us and several children from the Upper Balsas Region in Guerrero State performed. Initially they will start up classes at the Carlos Darwin Junior High School building in Town next month.
The State of Guerrero is not financing the effort, but it seems to me that if the people of Xalitla really want a University Campus, they'll have one.
I wouldn't be surprised if they ask me to teach there, first though, somebody from around here has to pay me.
Bush's Rebuke in Beijing
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Can It Happen Here?
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Friday, August 08, 2008
Chew's Meaning of Mass
"Intervals within our c-based Feynman paths are straight and positive lightlike. These paths propagate wave functions that, in representing massive particles, exhibit ‘zitterbewegung’ (zbw) --fluctuating positive-lightlike 4-velocities-- in a sense recalling that displayed by Dirac’s single-electron wave function which lacked a relativistically-invariant norm. Our massive particles, both bosons and fermions, emulate in certain aspects Dirac’s electron, although the latter's wave-function norm was boost dependent and its mass was regarded as a given scale-setting parameter. We here depict electron mass, through a ‘physical’ infinite-dimensional unitary Poincaré-group representation, as a ground-state energy whose value is dynamically determined, along with that of all particle masses, by wave-function stationarity over macroscopic intervals of ‘universe time’. We recognize an extended meaning for ‘zitterbewegung’—as parity-dictated fluctuation of any massive particle’s ‘substructure’, in both velocity and momentum."
Mass then is "dynamically determined". I understand from that phrase, that Chew views "fundamental physics", with a humble position. S Matrix Theory, expressed observations with the tools given to us by the mathematics of space time, here Gelfand-Naimark, provide the finite answers that were not possible before. Besides that, we have two different scales, cosmological and quantum, Chew just lives with both, and leaves for a future, maybe "Number Theory" based, physical theory, the task of getting those numbers. Some kind of stability condition, may in some future time tell us: Why the electron has the mass it has?
Minnesota baby born 8/8/08 at 8:08; 8 pounds, 8 ounces
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Drink it or Drive it: The Promise of Agave for Ethanol
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First protons injected into the LHC
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Selección Natural Coherente
Unidad Académica de Matemáticas
de Guerrero
Slow Motion Lightning Video is Mindblowing
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How Cloud Computing Is Changing the World
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Earth like planets should be quite common in the universe
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Thursday, August 07, 2008
Eccentricity Revives Vermont’s River Towns
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Cubic Irrationals
"Peut-être parviendra-t-on à déduire de là, un système complet de caractères pour chaque espèce de ce genre de quantités, analogue par exemple à ceux que donne la théorie des fractions continues pour les racines des équations du second degré"
Another way to state this concern is:
"Find methods for expressing real numbers as sequences of positive integers so that the sequence is eventually periodic precisely when the initial number is a cubic irrational."
Another description of the problem is:
"In 1848, Hermite asked Jacobi for methods of expressing a real number as a sequence of integers such that the algebraic properties of the real number are reflected in the periodicity of its sequence. In other words, Hermite wanted a generalization to cubic and higher degree algebraic numbers of the fact that the decimal expansion of a real number is periodic if and only if the real is rational and, more importantly, of the fact that the continued fraction expansion of a real number is periodic if and only if the real is a quadratic irrational. Such attempts are called multidimensional continued fractions."
Jacobi tried unsuccessfully to solve this problem.
Periodicity in Cubic Number Field
"Maybe he was warned off by the long calculations for (1; 5¹/³; 25¹/³) and the obviously never ending calculations on (1; 4¹/³; 16¹/³). In fact, it is still not known if periodicity occurs at all!"
I am curious to understand the problems Jacobi run into.
The Latin word I have in this note means to predict, to say it before it happens. That is what reason is for.
My reason is hard at work to find a valid prediction, for me and for the world.
Discrete Quantum Cosmology
"Although consistency requires slice width to be an integral multiple of arc step, the huge-integer ratio will not be addressed by the present paper—which ignores arc steps and number theory. Before attending to path arcs this paper chooses to address the single-preon Hilbert-space path basis. Nevertheless the termination of path arcs at exceptional (ray-age) hyperboloids might be taken as defining the path basis of preon Fock space."
This is one place where number theory may enter into play for Chew's Theory.
Geoffrey F. Chew
"number theory may eventually render non-arbitrary the integral ratio of spacetime-slice width to path step. Particle scale would thereby, like path step, become set by the trio of universal parameters G, h and c, whose values Planck realized do not require ‘explanation’."
I do not yet understand what Professor Chew is saying. I know that he has looked into the conundrums of particle physics longer than I have. Nevertheless I also believe that number theory has something to tell us about why the world is as it is.
For me the main problem of Physics today is to explain stability. Why in a Hydrogen atom is an electron always moving around a proton and never going inside the proton? To say that that is forbidden by Quantum Mechanics, is philosophically a poor practice. What is first stability, or Quantum Mechanics?
Totally-Relativistic Elementary Particles
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Amateur Astronomer Spots ‘Cosmic Ghost’ Unknown Until Now
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Mexico and Brazil Now Top 10 Creditors to US Government!
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Ubuntu wins “Best Desktop Solution” at Linux World Expo 2008
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24,000+ signatures for Mexico's iPhone 3G Petition (English)
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Physicist's Verified Quantum-"Uncollapse" Hypothesis
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Strong Bad coming to Wii and PC
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Olé! This Spanish Summer
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Wednesday, August 06, 2008
He is using the Ubuntu distribution for the Linux side, and XP for the MS side.
I guess I'll hear about the distribution quarrels from now on.
I am proud of him.
Learning to Speak Climate
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Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Shiretoko Alpha
I see a right window with Blogs, Entries, etc.. The Entries Section shows me other pieces I'd written in this blog. The Options Section allows me to add Technocrati tags, and TrackBack URLs. The Blogs Section allows me to add other Blogs. I just added my other Blog. It is in Spanish if you are interested:
Matemática Educativa
OK, here you have it.
Mexican Peso Continues Dramatic Surge Against US Dollar
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Saturday, August 02, 2008
Going to Mexico? Better pack more dollars
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Pattern is time. We know what comes next because of our expectations. The arrow of time is as real as the persistence of objects. Linear predictions are called common sense, but Ray Kurzweil has shown us to extrapolate with non-linear functions. Gauss then is the master of prediction. If we know the curvature in a local region, we know if linear or non-linear predictions are needed. Einstein also saw in curvature the key to a theory of physics.
Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and now Perelman's Theory of Ricci Flows, must be related. The relation may be Barbour's idea that there is no time, only patterns.
More to come.
Poincaré's Conjecture 1
Also we can say:
"that every compact and simply connected 3-manifold is a 3-sphere".
I am back. I was away from a nice place where to think and write. I found this statement in:
Christina Sormani's, piece on this intriguing piece of Mathematics.
I hope I can understand the General Relativity and Thermodynamics implications of Perelman's work.