Friday, April 24, 2009

Loyal Opposition?

Republicans could filibuster Obama's health plan. I guess that is politics, I shouldn't feel overly concerned about this.

Somehow I feel though, that the Republicans do not represent a rational approach to health care. Their opinions are not the best. They are not going to improve the health care solutions the American people need.

With a flu epidemic in Mexico City this is no time for ideologue Republicans to do any "rational" modification to Obama's health bill. I feel like the Republicans felt the need to torture Al Qaeda heads to avoid American deaths. They should understand that a wrong move in health care policies could kill more people than Al Qaeda could ever do. We are talking about pandemics that could, and in the past have killed thousands of people in the US and millions all over the World.

I hope the Obama Administration finds the way to stop these American loonies in the Senate.

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