Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Was There a Plot to Stop Thin Clients?

Who killed the electric car?
Who stopped railroads development in the US?

Who kept thin clients from the market?

I just made up the name. Maybe other people use the term for something else, I mean this:

A thin client is a consumer appliance for minimum hassle. Who ever read all those manuals for VCRs? Client in this case is web page client. Just render html files from the web. Of course with the ability to upload my stuff to a secure site. Let somebody else worry if my stuff is ever lost. I expect the electric company to supply electricity, and I will expect my Internet Service Provider to deliver the best Internet experience allowed by modern technology.

I wan a gizmo my mother can use and enjoy the new world of the Internet.

Google OS could do that.

Plots by their very nature are unknowable, so I don't really care if some cabal was behind the late arrival of this era changing device. They seem to have lost anyway.

Happy cloud computing,

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