Thursday, August 26, 2010

Association-Induction Hypothesis and Edward O. Wilson

``“Our model proves that looking at a worker ant and asking why it is altruistic is the wrong level of analysis,” said Tarnita. “The important unit is the colony.”''

Taken from Wired Magazine.

To me it sounds Lingian (AI).

Now Professor Wilson with the help of Martin Nowak says that, if you calculate the biological advantage with Darwinian evolution applied to the right level of selection, not an individual ant, but the colony, the numbers come out right.

It will be ironic, that later this century once Wilson and Ling are dead, biologists will finally vindicate Ling. Why do humans have to be so mean. They are doing to Ling, what Mach did to Boltzmann, and Kronecker to Cantor: Will we ever learn?

``Kronecker's public opposition and personal attacks included describing Cantor as a "scientific charlatan"''

Taken from Wikipedia.

``"Eusociality has arisen independently some 10 to 20 times in the course of evolution," says Tarnita, a junior fellow in Harvard's Society of Fellows. "Our model shows that it is difficult to get eusociality in the first place, but that it is very stable once it is established. A colony behaves like a 'superorganism,' reproducing the genome of the queen and the sperm she has stored."''

Taken from ScienceCodex

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