Sunday, October 03, 2010


``Whatsoever we imagine, is Finite. Therefore there is no Idea, or  conception of anything we call Infinite. No man can have in his mind an  Image of infinite magnitude; nor conceive the ends, and bounds of  the thing named; having no Conception of the thing, but of our own  inability. And therefore the Name of GOD is used, not to make us  conceive him; (for he is Incomprehensible; and his greatnesse, and power  are unconceivable;) but that we may honour him. Also because whatsoever  (as I said before,) we conceive, has been perceived first by sense,  either all at once, or by parts; a man can have no thought, representing  any thing, not subject to sense. No man therefore can conceive any  thing, but he must conceive it in some place; and indued with some  determinate magnitude; and which may be divided into parts; nor that any  thing is all in this place, and all in another place at the same time;  nor that two, or more things can be in one, and the same place at once:  for none of these things ever have, or can be incident to Sense; but are  absurd speeches, taken upon credit (without any signification at all,)  from deceived Philosophers, and deceived, or deceiving Schoolemen.''


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