Sunday, October 31, 2010

KDE Winning!

Some time ago I wrote here.

Months of unsuccessful upgrades above Ubuntu 9.04, and the dreaded day of no longer supported made me take the plunge.

I am happily running 10.04, Kubuntu, no need to run in SafeMode. So far so good. I am liking this jumping icons!

I remember a  Lucent friend, way back then, he was amused by that also. I took time to leave Gnome. Since Miguel de Icaza was influential in that effort, I was partial to the ``other'' desktop.

Miguel isn't even active in Gnome anymore, as far as I can see he joined the dark side and is helping the loosing cause of the Dark Knight of Redmond.

Besides, now I can use several options of desktop, FailSafe Gnome, Gnome, KDE, ...

I am happy.

Only problem is I haven't been able to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10. I have time though. Ubuntu announced they are dumping Gnome. I don't blame them, so did I.

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