Thursday, May 10, 2012

Johnny Depp Stars in Tim Burton’s ‘Dark Shadows’ -

Johnny Depp Stars in Tim Burton’s ‘Dark Shadows’ -

 "Of all the morbid beauties in Tim Burton’s work, the spooky goth girls and deathly pale boys, none wear their ghoulishness as lightly or winningly as Johnny Depp. And what a bewitching corpse he makes in “Dark Shadows,” Mr. Burton’s most pleasurable film in years. As Barnabas Collins, the scion of a wealthy family turned unwilling vampire, Mr. Depp has a face as white as chalk and long-fingered hands that skim the air like skittering spiders. After 200 years of entombment, Barnabas awakes in 1972 and, like a latter-day Rip van Winkle, only thirstier, drinks in a world populated by monsters, living and dead, and lovingly adorned with Mr. Burton’s signature kinks."

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