Friday, May 11, 2012

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

This is really boring, but I kind of remember seeing these letters (DMCA), in the nice letter Google sent me. So I should get a little more informed. I DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER.

On the note below, you have a link to Wikipedia -Thanks so much Wikipedia! - on these very important issues.

For today's note. What I find endearing from that note, is:

"On May 22, 2001, the European Union passed the Copyright Directive or EUCD, which addresses some of the same issues as the DMCA. The DMCA's principal innovation in the field of copyright, the exemption from direct and indirect liability of internet service providers and other intermediaries (Title II of the DMCA), was separately addressed, and largely followed, in Europe by means of the separate Electronic Commerce Directive. (Unlike U.S. federal laws and regulations, the execution of European Union directives usually requires separate legislation by or within each of the Union's member countries.)"

The key words are in red. Google, and COMCAST, are off the hook!

All the force of the law comes towards yours truly.

Just like Edgar Luck struck Lev's face in the movie, I am hereby pitching to Sony.

If anybody at Sony is interested, do not hesitate to contact mine or Lev's lawyers, when we get them, that is.

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