Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I do not want this blog to be a series of news items.There are a series of new posts dealing with relevant science issues that do not get many diggs.
People Power Prof. Almond, rightly observes that if the American media defines a political event as a manifestation of "People Power", then it is, otherwise it is not. The Mexican political events of the last few days are historic, and the American media hass chosen to ignore them.
Recommendation enginesEsther Dyson points out in her blog the present dilemma of too many good causes to spend our good intentions on. Which one is the right one? She offers a thoughtful answer to that question.
Climate and Collapse This American Scientist article addresses the very relevant scientific problem of whether or not the Maya empire collapsed due to a drought? Our own present civilization may equally collapse like that, if you do not think that is relevant science, I have a hard problem bringing up a more important issue nowadays.

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