Wednesday, June 06, 2007

From Lucent to Lucifer through a Slow Burnig Flame

Why was I let go from Lucent? Were the Masons the founders of the US? Am I a slowly burning flame?

The word Lucent has Latin roots, light in Spanish is luz. Lucifer has similar roots, and some Masons believe in more than one acting god in the Universe, one of them would be Lucifer. Lucifer is a Latin word meaning "light-bearer".

From Wikipedia we can read:

"Freemasonry and Luciferianism

Freemasons have been accused by various Christian organizations of worshipping Lucifer, despite the fact that Freemasonry does not consider itself religion, and has members from many religions including Christianity. This theory originates with the famous Taxil hoax perpetrated by Léo Taxil, who had himself been expelled from Freemasonry within months of joining. According to the hoax, leading Freemason Albert Pike had addressed "The 23 Supreme Confederated Councils of the world" (Taxil's invention), instructing them that Lucifer was God, and was in opposition to the evil god Adonai. Taxil also promoted a book by Diana Vaughan (actually written by him) that purported to reveal a highly secret ruling body called the Palladium which controlled the organisation and had a Satanic agenda. As described by Freemasonry Disclosed in 1897:

With frightening cynicism, the miserable person we shall not name here [Taxil] declared before an assembly especially convened for him that for twelve years he had prepared and carried out to the end the most sacrilegious of hoaxes. We have always been careful to publish special articles concerning Palladism and Diana Vaughan. We are now giving in this issue a complete list of these articles, which can now be considered as not having existed.[3]

Despite the fraud having been revealed for over a century, Pike's spurious address and other details of the hoax continue to be quoted by anti-masonic groups.[4]

Arthur Edward Waite wrote an exposé of this hoax, titled Devil-Worship in France. Waite produces evidence that this was what today we would call a tabloid story, replete with logical and factual inconsistencies.

[3] Freemasonry Disclosed April 1897
[4] Leo Taxil: The tale of the Pope and the Pornographer. Retrieved on 14 September 2006."

The burning flame metaphor in this note has to do with my belief that all of us are slowly burning flames. We are born, we slowly burn, and then we die, just like a flame disappearing.

From Lucent to Lucifer through a Slow Burnig Flame

Here I try to put these three disparate ideas together.

Lucent is no more. Now there is a French company called Alcatel-Lucent that took over. I was not needed anymore. I worked there for three years, and have not worked in telecommunications since 2001. Freemasons might have founded the US, and I do benefit from the privileges of a permanent US residency. I am still slowly burning and I hope to accomplish something before I puff away.

Lucent, the US, and I may disappear in this unstable Universe of us. Nevertheless I believe that something was there before we appeared, and will still be there once we are gone.

That something, for lack of a better name I call Information.

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