Saturday, August 13, 2011

Axxon N and the cigarette burn

There seems to be two portals that connects the three plots of the movie, right? 

Axxon N connects Nikki to Sue, and one should decide if the main character is Nikki turning into Sue to find a solution to her problems or the opposite, which would be Sue getting conscious that she's not a Hollywood star and lives in the Inland Empire. 

The cigarette burn is the other portal, where Sue connects herself with the Lost Girl. Once again, Sue might be a creation from the Lost Girl who's dealing with her inner demons, as the Lost Girl can be a way for Sue to understand her role in Inland Empire.

It's interesting to observe that in the end of the movie, when Sue is running the sidewalks, she sees a faded Axxon N sign with no door available. She seems to be familiar with it, without making a sense out of that moment. I believe that this is one of the key moments of the movie, that actually brings Sue back to reality and helps her to understand that she isn't a movie star and she might be a creation from the poland girl. From this moment, she accepts her fate, ignoring her wishes to insist on beign a movie star and focus on dealing with whatever keeps the Lost Girl trapped.

I've read opinions that points Nikki as the main/real character of IE, but this particular moment of the movie makes it look like the real person is the Lost Girl.

Taken From DUGPA

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