Thursday, February 28, 2008


Boskop is a place in South Africa. Many years ago remains of a big skulled primate were discovered there. One can read about this find and its implications in the book;Big Brain by Gary Lynch et al..
The authors seem to believe that this cranial capacity gave these primates, consciousness; maybe more than their contemporaries that survived them, Homo sapiens.
If it was not their time, maybe now they would be more appreciated.

I am considering a trip back to Mexico. I hope this time around I will be more appreciated there.


HML said...

This is very interesting indeed, but i would presume that the future human will not at all be formed by biological laws, but rather characterized by the incorporation of technology in the human body.

Eduardo Cantoral said...

I am sorry to comment now, after so many months.
I agree it is hard to visualize right now that another human species will show up; and before we get there ourselves, it seems more likely that we will use more than biological means.

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