Friday, February 22, 2008

Quantum Mechanics Phase Space

Number of degrees of freedom is an important concept in Physics. A single point moving in three dimensions can be located in a six dimensional phase space. Three for position and three for velocity or momentum. Two points need twelve. That does not mean that we perceive at once all those dimensions. We do projections to comprehend, in this case, both particle's motion.
What happens when we have 1023 particles?
We can either use Statistical Mechanics, or Quantum Mechanics; or better yet Quantum Statistical Mechanics. In this case we definitely need a projection to a more manageable set of variables to comprehend the reality of the object we see. Imagine a grain of salt, we do not use this humongous set of variables, to taste the grain of salt. We believe though, that whatever sensation we get from this tiny object, depends on those known variables, and maybe some hidden variables.
David Bohm taught us, that if we try to understand the Quantum World around us, we better pay attention to as many variables as possible, and consequently to as many projections as we can manage.
In Bohm's Universe, points far in time and space, do affect what happens near us. Locality, as proven by Aspect, guided by Bell, is gone.

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