Friday, February 06, 2009

When the Chinese Come to Mexico.

The BBC (below) writes this:

"China faces droughts and floods annually but has seen a recent increase in extreme weather conditions."

I have written before about China's interest on Latin America, and Mexico in particular. They are welcome.

I worry though. Do they know something we don't? Here in Guerrero water is just there for the taking. All we have to do is collect when it rains, and use it all year long. For historic reasons that I have explained somehow in this blog, that has not happened. There is no fundamental reason I am aware of to stop water management infrastructure, besides the technical backwardness of Guerrero's people.

I do feel like the earthlings in a Twilight episode, "To Serve Man" . Rod Serling made us believe all through the beginning of the episode that the idea was to help us; at the end we find out the true meaning of that statement. Are the Chinese eying our water or thinking of our well being?

We'll find out, I hope that soon enough.

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