Bolivia is the site of some of the biggest lithium fields. This element, the third in the periodic table of the elements, after hydrogen and helium; is going to be more and more important in the making of batteries. With coming electric cars, the reader may perhaps imagine how important this resource is. We are talking here of billions of dollars.
Evo Morales is the first Aymara indian ever to govern Bolivia.
He has promised to use that wealth for the benefit of Incas.
This is a historic opportunity for this South American country. I felt the same way when in the early seventies it was becoming more and more clear that the price of oil could not go but up. Sadly after more than thirty years, all I can report about that Arab renaissance I was hoping for, is that the money coming from oil resources went mainly into wasteful and decadent lifestyles of the Arab kings.
I hope we don't get a new slew of Inca Kings wasting away the wealth of their people.
So far President Evo Morales has shown prudence and wisdom. This has to continue. Long Live the Inca. A new era must begin for the people that moved to this continent more than ten thousand years ago.
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