Saturday, June 13, 2009

Useful Vote

If you read Spanish please read Gustavo Gordillo's latest piece. He has a Blogger space you can find in my blog list. Dan las Convicciones a su Libertad Alas. He was a student activist in the 1968 popular movement of Mexico. Later on he became a professional politician, and now he is an astute observer of the Mexican political saga.

I feel a current of deep disilusionment in Mexico about the democratic way. I am not a rightist in support of the Partido de Acción Nacional (PAN), but was happy when they sent the rascals out. Seventy years of Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) management of Mexican politics was enough. That party is responsible of the death of several hundred peaceful supporters of the student movement the second of October of 1968.

After nine years of PAN governments at all levels of government I am pissed off at them. Out with the rascals, I say. There is a current scandal in Mexico with a child care installation where several innocent small human beings died, and PAN seems to be involved. Systems for profit are not always the solution to social needs. PAN is not committed to a nation building effort that they fail completely to understand. These rightists are working to end the teaching of Philosophy at the high school level. Unconscioable!

Panistas strike me as simple minded grocery store owners, or small ranches in Guanajuato, hillbillies with Harvard degrees. I do not expect them to understand deep Mexico, nor start fixing the problems nor allowing our country to evolve socially. I still remember that clown, ex Coca Cola employee, famously declaring that he will solve the Indian uprising problem in southern Mexico in fifteen minutes! What nonsense. And Mexicans went for it. To this day whole swats of the south of Mexico are under Indian control like a time bomb waiting to explode like the Shining Path Inca movement in Peru.

These panistas are the most ignorant bunch ever to govern Mexico.

Now what?

I am eager to read Gordillo's next article on useful vote.

I plan to vote for Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD), but I am not really that eager to see the left miserably fail in governing Mexico, as so many leftist around the world. Starting with Joseph Stalin that killed Lev Bronstein in Mexico, better known as Trotsky.

I guess the way to take politics as everything else in life is with gusto.

World, here goes Mexico trying to invent Mexican Democracy!

P.S. Please no help from the Obama administration. I do not want an Afghanistan kind of nation building!

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