Saturday, June 25, 2011


I have a long, and hidden, love affair with this construct. Here I start a series of notes on this instrument.

Ever since Galileo used a telescope, science has been pulled by instruments. No Nobel prize I'm aware of, has been given with an instrument bought in the nearest hardware store. The discoverer usually pioneered the construction, or was close with the ones that did it. To this day this is happening: the Auger Observatory in Argentina, allowed the discovery of the point-wise character of the highest energies cosmic ray sources in the universe. The KAIT Engine was built first, and then they collected the biggest supernova sample in 1998, to discover the acceleration of the universe.

Software to our eyes is less tangible, but I am convinced not less important.

Zeno discussed arrows in motion, and only now are we reaping the fruits of Physics, which is basically the study of motion. I hope less time passes between the realization by Stephen Wolfram, that the universe can be described by programs, and the fruits of a New Kind of Science.

The name of the new Instrument is Mathematica.

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