Thursday, June 30, 2011

Physics in 2011

Now that this blog is popular - with a little help from my friends - I continue with the Prolegonema for a Future Metaphysics.

I was talking today to a colleague about the sorry state of High Energy Theoretical Physics. More than thirty years , and many academic lives lost, Nature has not been kind to us. Not even the silly Higgs-Brout field has been found, after billions of dollars spent at Fermilab and CERN. This failure looks almost as dismal as the wars in Afghanistan, and Iraq, with the side show of Pakistan, where bin Laden hid in plain sight. Professor Lutz has estimated, together with a group of scholars that over three trillion dollars is the cost [link].

On the other hand, I am very optimist about the huge advances in understanding the Statistical Character of Our Universe. I expect other physicists to look into this direction, given that their quest failed so miserably. There is no Theory of Everything, it is more like a Theory of Nothing. I have no clue on the relevance of Calabi-Yau to the real world.

I do see however, that computer programs allow us to make more and more precise question to Nature.

We live in the Era of Information, and Mathematica is as good an instrument, as we had ever had.

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