Wednesday, July 25, 2012

1968 Generation

I was born in 1949, by 68 I was 18.

I now have children, nephews, nieces, students, ..

What do I tell them?

First of all, get informed!

Do not get out, and get hurt for something you did not even understand.

People from my generation are telling kids to do this, and do that. I can give you some names: Noam Chomsky, Elena Poniatowska, Paco Ignacio Taibo II, ... Well some are older than me, but no matter. I feel responsibility for the younger people that listen to me. Here is the main thing I have to say.

Join political campaigns, i.e. , Obama vs. Romney, Pena Nieto vs. Lopez Obrador, .. Do the necessary work: Occupy Televisa tomorrow, circulate Obama's message on twitter, and facebook.

But most of all: Have your own mind, and act accordingly!

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