Sunday, September 10, 2006

Antonio Gershenson

Many years ago I met Antonio Gershenson, by now he may not remember me, he is a clear thinking mexican physicist. The mexican government has this description of him.

"Ficha 145: Antonio Gershenson Tafelov.Responsable de atentados dinamiteros en el Distrito Federal, durante el año de 1967, en que coloca y hace detonar varios artefactos explosivos,entre ellos el de la estatua del licenciado Miguel Alemán Valdés en Ciudad Universitaria y un artefacto colocado en la Embajada de Colombia, que explota en el Laboratorio de la DIGEPOT, actualmente trabaja como físico nuclear y sus actividades son checadas esporádicamente."

He was a leader of the student movement in the sixties, and later of the nuclear energy workers' union movement, SUTIN (Union of Nuclear Industry Workers); now he is a journalist in the Mexican newspaper "La Jornada".

Unfortunately the legally elected president, Felipe Calderón, does not have a tradition of interest and knowledge about nuclear energy. I do not expect his government to advance the state of the Mexican nuclear industry. I do not expect his future government to ask Mr. Gershenson about the future of electrical energy in Mexico.

Today he published in La Jornada that the electoral tribunal started a new precedent, now it is possible to have irregularities in the ballot boxes and the tribunal will accept the results. Given this sad decision of the tribunal, the Mexican National Democratic Convention about to start next week in the Mexico City Zócalo, has to plan for a long process of democratic change in Mexico, according to Gershenson.

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