Sunday, November 21, 2010

Broken Country: Mexico

``Todo esto nos da una idea de la gran irresponsabilidad implicada en destruir todo un dispositivo que construyó y dio mantenimiento durante décadas a esta red eléctrica, y ponerlo en manos de la CFE, que no conocía esta red, sino también de empresas privadas que menos la conocían.''

La Jornada


All this gives us an idea of the great irresponsibility implied in destroying a whole establishment that built and maintained for decades this electric grid, and to put it in the hands of CFE (Central Mexico Federal Electric Comission) , which did not know this grid, but also of private companies that knew it even less.

Recently an explosion downtown Mexico City left people wounded.

The conservative party in power (PAN) wants to destroy the power base  of its main opponent (PRI), by firing all the workers that DID know how to keep these accidents from happening.

PAN must go!

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