Tuesday, March 08, 2011

End of Zeferino Torreblanca Galindo

The Governor of Guerrero leaves office at the end of this month. Yestereday almost at midnight, intruders went into the Seguro Popular, (Popular Insurance) offices of his administration, a few blocks away from where I am writing this, and set it on fire.

The note in Spanish  is here.

Very convenient.

``Durante las últimas semanas la Secretaría de Salud ha sido cuestionada sobre posibles malos manejos de recursos económicos y que casi al concluir la administración del gobernador, Zeferino Torreblanca Galindo, se reportan faltantes millonarios, especialmente del programa de Seguro Popular.''

During the last weeks the Health Ministry has been questioned about mishandling of economic resources and that almost at the end of the administration of governor Zeferino Torreblanca Galindo, there are millions missing, especially from the Popular Insurance program.

The fire reported in this note is convenient.

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