Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Taking Stock in General

No classes today, the kids are promoting the school, so more students come to study mathematics next year. Fresh from a visit to my daughter in Warrenville, and finding out that bin Laden is no more.

I have a big network in facebook, my students found the place and now I get chat invitations almost always when I show up there. I guess that is being popular in some sense.

I'm listening to a Yugoslav song in facebook that my friend Josip likes. Waiting for my Argentinean student Sergio to contact me. Am I Mexican, American, Yugoslav, Argentinean, or what?

One of my students already caught up with me in facebook.

He is in his hometown East of here, near the coast. He went to his high school to invite students to come study mathematics.

The answer to the question is; all of the above.

Our identities are shaped by the company we keep. That is what I was trying to tell my beloved daughter: We become what we have around. I do not mean to say that there are no principles, only accommodations, but to completely disregard what the social environment makes us do is at the very least, incomplete.

Given this global social network, where almost all languages are represented, I do expect a new Man and a new Woman to emerge.

Is that the Rapture?

I am in my little office deep down in Mexico. The students are starting to return from Spring break. It is almost 11 o'clock in New York. Am I like Maureen Dowd, who just wrote a piece on Obama, [link], similar to what I am thinking about our POUS? In the universal scale of things, I am, nevertheless she has a better health insurance than I do.

Where did I go wrong?

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